
    2019-08-09 16:31:26   来源:网络   评论:0 点击:

    1. Catch
    catch a cold  感冒;受凉
    catch fire  着火;变得流行,火起来
    catch hold of  抓住
    catch on  流行;领会
    catch on to  理解
    catch one’s breath喘气;休息
    catch one’s eye /attention 引人注目/引起注意
    catch sight of  看见
    catch up with  赶上
    2. Come
    come along  过来;进展,发展
    come along with  随同
    come across  偶尔遇见,偶尔发现
    come at  袭击;拜见
    come by  从旁走过
    come around  到来/苏醒,恢复/改变看法或立场
    come around / round to  赞成;同意
    come back  回来/想起,记起
    come by获得,得到;拜访,串门
    come between 离间,使分开,使产生隔阂
    come down with  因……而病倒;患…病
    come down 流传
    come to the point  抓住要点
    come into contact with  与……接触
    come in for 遭到,受到(责备等)
    come on  发生,赶快
    come off 发生,举行   
    come off it 别傻了,别闹笑话了,别出洋相了
    come out  发行;被告知;结果是;公开宣称
    come into operation  启用
    come to a standstill  停止
    come to a stop  停止;到站
    come to an end  结束
    come to light  真相大白;显露
    come true  梦想成真 
    come through 按要求(或期望)做:
    come up to达到;符合;不辜负(live up to)
    come up with  提出;赶上
    come upon 偶然发现(或遇见)
    come a long way  取得进展;明显提高
    come all the way  远道而来;大老远跑来
    come in handy  迟早有用
    come into being  诞生,形成
    come out of  从(某场所)出来;出自
    come to one’s mind  想起
    come to think of it  回头想起
    come to an agreement  达成协议
    come what may  无论如何
    3. Do
    do a favor  帮忙
    do good to  有益于
    do harm to  有害于
    do damage  使受到损失
    do (one) in 使精疲力竭;杀死
    do (one) out of 骗取
    do away with  废除;去掉 
    do (one’s) own thing 做自己最喜欢(最擅长的事)的事
    do or die 需要拼命,需要全力以赴
    do over  重做,返工;重新装饰(或装修)
    do one’s best  竭尽全力
    4. Get
    get across  穿过;清楚表达;使理解
    get accustomed to = get used to  习惯于
    get along  进展;相处;度日
    get at  暗示;够得着,触及;
    get away with  逃脱
    get bored doing  厌倦做某事 
    get by (勉强)对付过去,(勉强)过活;溜走;勉强过得去
    get down to  开始处理;开始认真对待  
    get down 使难过
    get hurt  受伤
    get one’s hopes up  使某人产生希望
    get even with  扯平
    get going  开始
    get hold of  掌握;了解
    get in the way  挡道    
    get in 进入,被允许进入;到达
    get in touch with  与……建立联系
    get somewhere/nowhere  有(无)进展
    get off the ground  有所进展;突破  
    get off 被允许离开;逃脱惩罚,逃避义务;
    get on one’s nerves  使……心烦 
    get on 和睦相处;变老;继续,继续进行,进步;
    5. Go
    go about  流传;开始做(复杂的事);继续
    go after  追求;追逐
    go along 配合
    go around  足够供应,谣言流传;四处走动
    go beyond  超出;胜过
    go back on 违背(诺言等)
    go by  凭……判断;顺便拜访
    go down  下降;下跌;消肿;被记住(铭记)
    go Dutch  各付个的;AA制
    go in (into)  详细调查;从事
    go in for  赞成;参加(考试);热衷于
    go off  消失;变质;爆炸,发出响声
    go off on me 对我发脾气
    go on with = go ahead  继续
    go out  出去;泄密;过时;停止运转,熄灭;约会
    go out of one’s way to do sth.不辞辛苦做...
    go over  参观;复习;仔细检查;被接受(得到赞许);
    go through  通过;经历;完成
    go through with 把…进行到底,完成,实现
    go steady (和某人)正式确定恋爱关系
    go up  上升;增长;上涨 
    go under 倒闭,失败,垮掉
    go all out  全力以赴;竭尽全力
    go out of business  歇业;停业 
    go without saying 不用说,不言而喻
    on the go 忙个不停的
    go through a lot of money  花了很多钱
    6. Keep
    keep an eye on sth.  照看;密切注视
    keep in mind  记住
    keep in touch with  与……保持联系
    keep pace with  与……同步前进
    keep off 避开
    keep back 隐瞒(信息),拒不告诉;保留,储存
    for keeps 永久地
    keep on (doing) 继续(做某事)
    keep one’s finger crossed  祝……好运
    keep (one’s) eyes open or peeled 密切注视
    keep (one’s) head above water (通过持续努力)生存,继续;勉强对付
    keep track of  追踪;知道;理解
    keep (one’s) sanity 保持镇静
    keep up with  跟上;继续
    keep up one’s spirits  振作精神
    keep cool  保持冷静
    keep count on  保持联系
    keep sth. in mind  把……记在心上
    keep sb. from doing sth  阻止某人做某事
    keep(sth.)to oneself  不与人交往;保守某事
    keep one’s opinion / idea to oneself  不把想法告诉别人

    7. Make
    make a fuss  大惊小怪;小题大做
    make advances  取得进展
    make war 发动战争
    make an effort  努力
    make a night of it  痛快的玩一晚
    make a day of it  做了一整天
    make a living  谋生
    make a comeback  东山再起
    make a face  扮鬼脸 
    make away with 拿走,偷走
    make a point of  坚持要
    make believe 假装,假扮
    make certain  肯定;确认
    make do 凑合,将就
    make ends meet  收支平衡
    make friends  交朋友
    make for 有利于,有助于
    make it  成功
    make light of 认为…不重要
    make much of 重视
    make the deadline  赶上最后期限
    make a fortune = make big bucks  挣大钱
    make no difference  毫无区别
    make a difference 有影响,有关系
    make out  辨认出;理解;填写
    make off with (迅速)拿走,偷走

    8. Put
    put an end to = put a stop to  终止
    put aside  撇开
    put across 沟通,交流,被理解
    put away 把……放回原处;收起来
    put by 留存,积蓄
    put down  把……记下来;镇压;贬低,看不起;
    put forward  提出
    put off  延期
    put into practice  实践
    put on  穿上;上演
    put sth. in order  把……弄整齐
    put to use  使用
    put up举起;安顿;参与;建立
    put up with  容忍;忍受  
    put up to (doing)怂恿,唆使
    put out  熄灭;解雇;给…添麻烦,冒犯
    put out with  对某人生气
    put out by  由于某事而生气
    put through to  电话接通 
    put over on 欺骗,愚弄

    9. Take
    take action  采取行动
    take advantage of  利用
    take after  仿效;(相貌、脾气或性格)与…相似,像
    take care of  照顾
    take effect  生效
    take(sb.)for a ride 欺骗,蒙骗(某人)
    take charge of  负责;管理
    take in 接待;减小,改小;理解,明白;欺骗
    take into account = take account of  把……考虑进去
    take into consideration  考虑到
    take it easy 不要紧张;慢慢来
    take it for granted  把……当成理所当然
    take measures = take steps  采取措施;步骤
    take off  起飞
    take one’s time doing sth.从容不迫做某事
    take over  接管;接收
    have what it takes 有能力,能够
    take part in  参加 
    take potshots at 拐弯抹角地批评,指桑骂槐
    take place  代替;发生,出现
    take out sth. on sb.  向某人出气
    take turns  轮流
    take up占有;着手
    take a break  休息,放松
    take a close look  仔细看一看

    10. Turn
    turn around  转身
    at every turn 到处,时时
    in turn 轮流地→(反义)out of turn
    turn down  关小;拒绝
    turn in = hand in上交
    turn into  把……变成
    turn off  关闭
    turn away 把(某人)打发走 
    turn blue/green 冻得青紫/羡慕,嫉妒
    turn on  打开
    turn over  移交;再三考虑;翻转
    turn over a new leaf 改变,(尤指)改过自新
    turn to  翻到;转向;求助于
    turn(one’s) stomach 使恶心;使作呕
    turn up  突然发现;找到;出现      
    turn up (one’s) nose 拒绝
    turn out  结果是;培养;生产;打扮

    相关热词搜索:3+证书 高考 英语 动词词组
